
MDR Calculator

An interactive calculator demonstrating the benefits of using e92plus’ vendor partner Bitdefender’s MDR services.

The Challenge

To create an easy way for customers to find out how much they will benefit from employing Bitdefender’s MDR services compared to their current service.

The Target

Potential Customers looking for an easy way to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of their SOC with bitdefender.

The Solution

The creation of an interactive calculator, where the user can input their company’s endpoints and what tools they would like, then Bitdefender works out how much money they could be saving them.

The Outcome

An easy-to-use online calculator that quickly and effectively informs users how much they could be saving if they used Bitdefender MDR, saving them time and hopefully money.

The Result

  • 256 Unique Visitors
  • 122 Entries
  • 47 Review Requests

See the webpage

50+ clients who are pushing the limits of B2B lead generation